
First off, i have to say that ATL 195H here at MSU sucks-really sucks. I mean, it's a cool class, but the work is so friggin boring. Geeeezzzz.... Anyway, nothing much has happened since saturday. Casey and Josh still haven't found out anything about the whole incident, but i think they will soon enough. Classes are going alright, I guess. My calc quiz today was pretty easy, so i was happy about that. After math, i went over to holden to grab a bite to eat with josh, but ended up eating by myself and heading over to my engineering seminar class. ATL was boring, but it actually went by really fast today, so i liked that. I walked home because i wanted to enjoy the nice crisp air, and then went for a run. Seeing as how I'm running the 5K at the Trish Donnelly Run on Sunday, I think it was a good move. It felt really good, not too cold either. I went back over to holden and ate dinner with josh and emily, then me and him just hung out and did hw and watched some tv.

Liza and I have been talking almost every nite now, and it's really cool. We always seem to have something to talk about. I'm getting a little nervous about her coming here, but i think that's normal. I hope she has fun while she's here.

I'm gonna get to work on my chem hw, so I'll talk some more tomorrow. Peace...


well, the shit hit the fan last nite. we were all hanging out at Josh and Casey's. Andrea, Michelle, Andrea, Jeff, Dan, Andy, Casey, josh,and Iwere just having fun. Of course, alcohol was involved. As always I was the only one that didnt drink. I was still having a good time, cuz the drunks were making me laugh.

Anyway, everyone was walking in and out of the room, and for a while we were good about keeping the door closed. Except for one time. Me and andy went to look for girls for him, and when we came back to the room, I saw 3 girls hanging outside of the room, thinking they wanted to hang out too. Boy, was i wrong. I tried slipping past them to get into the room, but they stopped me. Long story short, they took down casey, michelle, and the andreas' names down, and casey is in deep shit. Josh was out of the room, so i don't think he'll get in (as much) trouble. I was so pissed off at all of them for being so stupid. me andy and josh drove over to my place to lay low for a little while, but i forgot my key at holden, so we chilled at the bailey lobby. then casey called,and he was at emmons, so we went over there, after waiting ten minutes for andrea to check us in. We spent the night at their place, but Casey wouldn't shut the hell up. Everyone else got to sleep at 1:30, and i didn't sleep until 3:30, because Casey kept talking and Michelle kept wanting to go to the bathroom, and i had to help her find her way. I'm tired now, so i'll type more later, if i feel like it.


It's dark and rainy here, but the sun is bright and hopeful.


i want liza to be here...
nothin important happened today, just the same old stuff. liza emailed me, which brightened my day, but that's about it. nothing new at all. i'm gonna go do situps. peace
There is a lot to talk about, but I'm busy right now doing math hw, so I'll try to keep it short, for my sake. Going back to last nite, I was pretty happy. Liza and I talked from 10:30-1:00, about everything. I am really looking forward to her visit. I am still in awe of the fact that a beautiful girl like her could like a guy like me. My confidence level has really gone up these past few months, and it's all because of her.

Class today sucked, probably cuz of the weather. I typed a note on the phone, so I'll just put it in here:
It's an incredibly crappy day. Josh may be the only one enjoying it, that crazy perverted bastard. It's overcast, raining, and just miserable. I'd be in an even worse mood if i didn't talk to liza last nite, for almost two and a half hours. We both missed each other so much over the weekend. I can't wait til the day we meet. I just want to give her the biggest hug and kiss, let her know just how much I've missed her. The bus is coming soon, so i'll pick this up later. 10:07am

Math class was same old same old, it seemed to suck whatever little energy i had left. After math, i met up with amy and headed over to the international center to grab something to eat and work on our chem lab. She's really nice, but I found out that she smokes pot and drinks, so my view of her changed a little bit. She's still cool i guess. After finishing around 1, i headed over to josh and casey's to pick up the rest of my stuff, which i ended up leaving there anyway. I noticed one thing though, and it made me a little angry/sad. Casey doesn't seem to like me too much. It was hard to tell when he was kidding and when he was telling the truth, but I've figured it out. Whatever, if he doesn't like me it won't hurt me too much. I mean, he's a good guy and I definitely consider him one of my friends, but whether he feels the same about me is up in the air.

I took the bus over to the chem building, but ended up skipping class with Chris. I really didn't feel like going, my cough and stuffy nose were taking over again. I went back to bailey, read my atl book for a bit, relaxed, did math, read some more, and before i knew it it was time for dinner. Josh came over and we ate, then he left after awhile of playin frisbee. Kelli finally called him, and he seemed a lot happier than he had been the last few days.

I did a little more hw, then watched the football game. I talked to Kyle online, and he talked about how he got pulled over and arrested for being intoxicated. I was so disappointed that I really couldn't talk. Drunk driving is perhaps the one thing that I will always protest. I just can't take it. Thinking about how Kyle could have gotten into an accident and killed some innocent kid made me even angrier. He's a really good guy, I'm glad we're friends. But I thought he was smarter than that. I hate to say it, but I have lost a bit of respect for him, and I don't know if he'll ever gain it back.

Andrea came over around 10:45 to drop off the chem lecture notes, but she ended up stayin til 12. We talked about Kyle, Casey, the sorority life, and me. I was just so sad about Kyle, and Andrea picked up on it. I didn't want her to feel sad as a result of what I said, but eventually tears came to her eyes. I thought for sure that I was gonna start tearing up. Andrea is nothing short of incredible. Jarod is a really lucky guy. I only met her formally at courtney's grad party on June 14th, and then she invited me to her party, which was the same day. I've actually "known" Andrea since 9th grade, when she was in my science class. I remember her, but she doesn't remember me. I can't blame her, I wasn't too memorable a guy back then. I'm really glad she lives in the building over. She's so easy to talk to, and she always knows what to say. I hope we get to know each other better in the future.

Now I'm doing math, since i have a quiz tomorrow. I'm gonna get back to it and get back to this tomorrow nite, probably the same time...


I just finished 500 situps, so if I abruptly stop typing, call 911 and alert them to my room. I'm not even that tired, but it's 2 am, so i probably should go to sleep soon. Today, or yesterday, actually, was kinda boring. I woke up, ate breakfast, then sat in the lobby and read my Race In North America book. Surprisingly, I was able to get thru 20 pages before calling it quits. It is such a hard book to read. After that, I came back to my room and just chilled out for awhile, wondering why Will wasn't home yet. I was starting to wonder whether he was lying dead somewhere. Terrible, I know.

Josh came over to watch the game, but Will's friend was over, so we ended up heading back over to Josh's. We watched the Michigan game- incredibly disappointing loss to Oregon. We just hung around the room for a couple hours, then went to grab dinner over at Case. We went back to Josh's, hung out for awhile, then decided to walk around campus and see if there was anythin to do. Remember, neither of us drink, so our options are severely limited. We ended up walking... aw, fuck it. I'm tired right now. I'll finish typing after i get 8 hours of sleep. Later.


It's a really crappy day, as far as weather is concerned. In fact, it's a crappy day overall. I feel like crap with a stuffy nose and fatigue, and the weather isn't helping at all. It just seems to match how I'm feeling. Hopefully that'll change once Liza comes, even though it's still a little while away.

My chem recitation today was helpful and went a little ahead, so I was debating whether or not to skip the chem lecture later on. I didn't, of course. I figured that was the last thing I should do, given the circumstances. After the chem lecture, me, andrea, and dave took the bus over to wilson and had lunch with josh. As always, dave talked about sex and how he had the endurance of a stoned rabbit. We got tired of that, and disgusted. It's 2:00 now and I'm thinking about going to sleep. I figure that's the best thing for being sick right now. I have to read so much over the weekend it's ridiculous. I guess I did to myself, so there's nothing that I can do but shut up and deal with it.

Last nite,when I was over at Josh's, he talked to Kelli and asked her if there was ever gonna be anything between them. He didn't get a definite response, so he asked her if there was any point in calling her tomorrow (today). She didn't answer for awhile, and ended up signing off. I felt terrible, but that doesn't compare to how Josh must have felt. He deserves a lot better than that. He was depressed the rest of the nite, and I ended up leaving around 11:30 because there was nothing left for me to say or do.

I skated back to Bailey, and when I reached the intersection of Harrison & K-Zoo, i noticed three pretty hot girls standing on the corner, obviously waiting to go to a party or something. As i skated by them, i just made casual eye contact with them, but one of the girls like stared at me. I really didn't know how to interpret that. Just a little strange I guess. Well, I'll type more later as it happens. I'm trying to get back to making this a daily thing. Peace.


Wow, it's been longer than I thought. I really don't know where to start- I think I'll start with recent events and go backwards. I'm at Casey's right now, so you'll understand if the typing is horrible. It's his stupid keyboard.

Here we go: the first, and probably only major thing that has happened since August 27. Liza called me and told me that there was a way that we could see each other a lot sooner than Christmas, like Canadian Thanksgiving. I was so incredibly happy when she told me this that I was speechless for nearly a minute. Since then, we've been doing a lot of planning thru email, and I've been counting the days until she comes. For security reasons, I won't list the day she is coming.

Tina and I are pretty much through. I never really understood what I saw in her. I guess I was just desperate at the time. I mean, she's a really nice girl and all, but that's it. I really don't like her, not only physically, but mentally. I still hope Josh gets with Hillary- he needs to forget about Kelli and move on. But the thing about Hillary is that she is way too quiet. It is almost impossible to have a conversation with her, and I'm a really outgoing person. Maybe she doesn't like the outgoing type, whatever. i only hope for the best for Josh. He's in a rut, and I hope he gets out of it. What I'm going thru right now is mind boggling, because it seems that girls are talking to me more now than ever. I don't get it one bit.

Classes are going alright, even though my ATL class sucks. It isn't so bad, but there is so much reading, and it's very boring. I have to shape up, this is it. I have class from 9-1230 tomorrow, and after lunch i plan to study. I want to have some fun this weekend too. Later.