[my name is]: Justin
[in the morning i am]: sleeping or at class
[all i need is]: to love and be loved
[love is]: spending time with that someone and nothing else coming to mind
[im afraid of]: being alone, drowning
[i dream about]: the future
-H A V E .Y O U. E V E R . .
[pictured your crush naked?]: of course
[actually seen your crush naked]: mmhmm
[had sex]: nope
[made love]: in time
[been in love]: yes
[lied]: sometimes
-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-
[coke or pepsi]: neither
[flowers or candy]: flowers
[tall or short]: doesn't matter to me
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: smile
[last person u slow danced with]: i don't remember
-W H O-
[makes you laugh the most?]: josh andy and kyle
[makes you smile]: a lot of people
[gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: my princess
[do you have a crush on?]: My Princess
[has a crush on you?]: geez, i sure hope my princess
[easiest to talk to]: myself
-D O. Y O U .E V E R-
[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you?]: more than i should
[save aol/aim conversations]: no- deadaim does it
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: rarely
[cried because of someone saying something to you]: yes, damn my emotions
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: that's a bit sick
[been rejected]: yeah
[rejected someone]: once, and i felt terrible
[used someone]: yes
[been cheated on]: hope not
[done something you regret]: who hasn't
-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: josh
[hugged]: mom (that's kinda sad)
[you instant messaged]: josh
[you laughed with]: josh
-D O .Y O U-
[color your hair]: what am i, gay?
[ever get off the damn computer]: i do have class
[habla espanol]: un poquito
[nihongo o hanashimasuka]: that's just gibberish
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[smoke cigarettes]: nope
[obsessive]: when it comes to some things
[could you live without the computer?]: what a stupid question
[how many peeps are on your buddylist?]: 19
[what's your favorite food?]: mostaciolli
[whats your favorite fruit?]: bananas (don't even make a dick sucking joke)
[drink alcohol?]: no
[like watching sunrises or sunset]: sunsets, cuz i'm usually awake for those
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: without a doubt, emotional
[trust others way too easily?]: yes
-N U M B E R-
[of times i have had my heart broken?]: 2
[of hearts i have broken?]: most likely none
[of girls i have kissed?]: 2
[of boys i have kissed?]: none
[of continents i have lived in?]: 1
[of drugs taken illegally?]: 0
[of tight friends?]: 3
[of cd's that i own?]: 20
[of scars on my body?]: 3
[of things in my past that i regret?]: 4
[in the morning i am]: sleeping or at class
[all i need is]: to love and be loved
[love is]: spending time with that someone and nothing else coming to mind
[im afraid of]: being alone, drowning
[i dream about]: the future
-H A V E .Y O U. E V E R . .
[pictured your crush naked?]: of course
[actually seen your crush naked]: mmhmm
[had sex]: nope
[made love]: in time
[been in love]: yes
[lied]: sometimes
-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-
[coke or pepsi]: neither
[flowers or candy]: flowers
[tall or short]: doesn't matter to me
-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: smile
[last person u slow danced with]: i don't remember
-W H O-
[makes you laugh the most?]: josh andy and kyle
[makes you smile]: a lot of people
[gives you a funny feeling when you see them]: my princess
[do you have a crush on?]: My Princess
[has a crush on you?]: geez, i sure hope my princess
[easiest to talk to]: myself
-D O. Y O U .E V E R-
[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you?]: more than i should
[save aol/aim conversations]: no- deadaim does it
[wish you were a member of the opposite sex]: rarely
[cried because of someone saying something to you]: yes, damn my emotions
-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: that's a bit sick
[been rejected]: yeah
[rejected someone]: once, and i felt terrible
[used someone]: yes
[been cheated on]: hope not
[done something you regret]: who hasn't
-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: josh
[hugged]: mom (that's kinda sad)
[you instant messaged]: josh
[you laughed with]: josh
-D O .Y O U-
[color your hair]: what am i, gay?
[ever get off the damn computer]: i do have class
[habla espanol]: un poquito
[nihongo o hanashimasuka]: that's just gibberish
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[smoke cigarettes]: nope
[obsessive]: when it comes to some things
[could you live without the computer?]: what a stupid question
[how many peeps are on your buddylist?]: 19
[what's your favorite food?]: mostaciolli
[whats your favorite fruit?]: bananas (don't even make a dick sucking joke)
[drink alcohol?]: no
[like watching sunrises or sunset]: sunsets, cuz i'm usually awake for those
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: without a doubt, emotional
[trust others way too easily?]: yes
-N U M B E R-
[of times i have had my heart broken?]: 2
[of hearts i have broken?]: most likely none
[of girls i have kissed?]: 2
[of boys i have kissed?]: none
[of continents i have lived in?]: 1
[of drugs taken illegally?]: 0
[of tight friends?]: 3
[of cd's that i own?]: 20
[of scars on my body?]: 3
[of things in my past that i regret?]: 4
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