
Song:away from the sun~3 doors down

home for the weekend, and it's a good thing. i was getting tired of doin the same ol at state, which was mostly putting up with drunks and realizing how sad my life has become. at least now i get realize how sad my life is and hang out with my only true friends, so i guess that's a plus.

everyday now i've been seeing fuckin jason master and his girlfriend in the damn cafeteria, and it always seems like he's rubbing the fact that he has a gf in my face. plus, i'm probably jealous that he can kiss her before he goes off to class, whereas i have to dream about kissing liza. i hate to say it, but i'm slowly starting to forget her, and i don't want to. i kiss her picture at least 5 days out of the week, but that doesn't do me justice. i really don't know how she's coping with all this, but if i could guess, i'd say just fine. i emailed her earlier this week and still haven't gotten a reply. now, she could be busy, and i guess i worry a bit too much, but sometimes i just need a little reassurance, be it a little text message or a small email just saying hi back.

i saw a commercial for the sarah mclachlan afterglow tour, which is coming to the Palace, and i thought about liza for the next 4 hours. what the hell is wrong with me?


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