
tonite was probably the most stressful nite i've ever had trying to talk to liza. more about that later, how about a recap on the day?

i woke up this morning around 11, went downstairs, didn't say a word to my mom, i was still angry about the night before. i ate breakfast, then got ready to go pick up my glasses, lunch, and a birthday card for rebecca from the store. while i was at the store, i saw that they had started putting out valentine's day stuff, and immediately i thought of liza, even more than i had been. she's always on my mind, if not my first priority.

i was online, but then brian went on, but i was still signed into msn messenger, so she messaged me thru there, and brian just said, "liza is talking to you." so i just casually went to the computer and told her i'd talk to her later. i text messaged her later and we agreed we'd talk at 8. then she went to take a shower, so we didn't talk until around 8:40, and by 9 everyone had gone up. she called me, and we talked for a little while, then got disconnected. she called me back, and then we talked for 40 minutes, and then we got disconnected again because her stupid cordless phone dies every 15 minutes. at this point i was talking so cautiously because i didn't want anyone to be alarmed by the fact that i was saying "i love you" or "i miss you sooo much" to someone on the other end of the line. plus, there was always the chance that brian was hiding behind the second floor balcony- i've come to hate that balcony. but when she called again, i was pretty sure everyone had gone to sleep, so we said we loved each other at least 5 different times, and each time i felt better and better about it. she said she wished she could've have slept with me tonite, which made me ache for her to come in february all the more, but that won't happen, and i'll just have to deal with that. i'll see her in june and i'll be able to tell her how much i love her right to her face.

we talked for a total of nearly two hours, and then my dad came to the balcony and said, "that's enough. go to sleep now!" talk about a friggin nazi. i'm going to talk to him about that in the morning, because he has no right telling me not to talk to whoever i'm talking to. it isn't like it's taking up those stupid precious anytime minutes. geez, only 36 more hours until i'm back on campus. i can't wait to be able to talk freely to liza again. i miss that.

we talked more about the future, like how many kids we wanted (3 or 4), where we're going to live (toronto most likely, or someplace in canada at least- the quality of life there just seems so much better than in America), who i'm going to toast at the wedding (nicki, for giving liza my email address), and how she wanted to move to New York to work in banking for a little while. i can't wait til i'm 23 or 24 and able to just go visit her whenever.

the feeling i get whenever i'm with liza, be it in person, or online, or on the phone, is indescribable. it's like seeing your first fireworks, your first kiss, your favorite song, the most ideal position you could ever be in, all rolled into one. it feels incredible, and i have no doubt this feeling will last me the rest of my life.


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