
so it's friday, 8 pm, and i'm sittin here in my room. i really don't care. Will left for the nite (i think), so at least i have some alone time. Josh might come over later to watch fight club, so that's alright. Nothing incredibly important happened today. Yesterday me and josh went to jenison to pick up our tickets, and we found out that there were more orders than tickets, so there was a lottery. I won, while josh didn't- figures, since everythin in his life has been going shitty. i felt really bad. But it all worked out- I spent the night over at josh and casey's, and we woke up around 8 am and went to jenison, hoping to get any leftover tickets. At first it didn't seem too hopeful. The line was really long, but josh ended up getting a ticket, although we're a section apart. We can figure somethin out to sit together.

Liza text messaged me today, and told me she got the photos. I was happy, they came a day early. I'm glad she has them now, because she'll remember me a bit better than without them. I just think about how i'm a lucky guy- i look around me and see guys that remind me of the high school me, and i feel bad about it. But i know what they're going through, and hopefully it'll get as good as i am right now.

I'm gonna go sit down and watch Gangs of New York now, but if anything special happens, i'll update you...


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